Wednesday, February 22, 2012

After 24 hours, this inoculated agar mcconkie

Klebsiella pneumonia

is a Gram-negative, stationary, optionally anaerobic >> << include >> << Enterobacteriaceae family of proteobakteriya class << type >> proteobakteriya. K. pneumonia

consists of straight rods 1 to 2 lm (micrometers)

in length with a thick, surrounding capsule


). In cultivation, this species produces

characteristic smell of yeast and bacterial colonies

have sticky / slimy kind (

). K. pneumonia usually

is in the human digestive tract, as part of the natural microflora >> << and is often caused by

hospital acquired or nosocomial infections

associated with urinary and pulmonary systems

especially as he is able to adapt to the existence

in oxygenated or deoxygenated environment >>. << Immunocomprimised people

(people with AIDS or cancer)

infected with K. pneumonia pneumonia


but blood infection (

septecemia ), wound or surgical site infections, and

meningitis are also possible. Figure 1. This scanning electron microscope shows some

ultrastructural morphological features of pneumonia bacterium Klebsiella. Figure 2. After 24 hours, this inoculated agar McConkie

culture plate cultivated colonial growth

Gram-negative, small bacilliform and optionally anaerobic

<< bacterium Klebsiella >> pneumonia. This agent >> << has many virulence factors that allow >> << go unnoticed by owners immune system and cause infection

in different directions. First

uses this type of iron-siderofora receptors activate host


enterobactin mediated iron insulating system enabling

for bacterial growth. Their thick polysaccharide capsule >>

prevent the ingestion of phagocytes and somatic antigens on

revealed owners antibodies. In addition, serum complement activation

harder with a thick capsule lipopolysaccharides he has

(Greenwood et al., 2002). In fact


K. pneumonia avoid damaging complement proteins

extreme length of the molecule >> << stock capsules, which can significantly

lytic C5b-9 (application) form a complex too far

on the membrane. This prevents << opsonizatsiyi >> and

membrane attack complex (MAC) insertion, resulting in lysis of bacteria


). Figure 3. Scheme

represent capsules from solution C3b

addition of protein to initiate complement cascade

. There are many metabolic features >>

. << K. pneumonia, which make it unique

For a start, this bacterium produces an enzyme called


making it resistant to the drug karbapenemov. This type

produce bacteriocins that

protein toxins produced by bacteria in the

suppress the growth of similar or closely related

bacterial strains (Greenwood


2002). Since


K. pneumonia usually found in microflora

host production

bactericins can actually be harmful, because

can get rid of significant or good bacteria

found in the intestines. K. pneumonia

You can also use sodium citrate and may dekarboksylyrovat

some amino acids to form amines (Forbes et al., 2002). Two other features

metabolic capabilities include pathogenic glycoside hydrolysis

esculine and inability to split tryptophan into indole form

(Greenwood et al., 2002). Morphology, Morphology culture, mobility and

metabolic activity can be used to identify the

K. pneumonia. Once the bacteria

installed and stained glass, straight rods 1 to 2 lm

length should be seen in the light microscope


). Once the form

, culture, there should be some smell of yeast,

and viscous / mucous

appearance (

). To ensure the absence of

moving structures such as flagella, motility test can be carried out >> << involving inoculation and incubation

semisolid agar deep tube


al ., 2002). Test results

need to show that bacteria remain on the site

vaccination. In addition, flagella stain can be performed,

, which should show no >> << to rolling stock. When Simmons citrate agar and incubated

sow, growth should be modified index


bromthymoll blue to green to blue, indicating

metabolic characteristics of citrate


al., 2002). Figure 4. Photomicrograph bacteria Klebsiella pneumonia

represent rod shape morphology. Other metabolic functions >>

K. pneumonia is its ability decarboxylize >> << amino acids, it can be checked by planting decarboxylase broth with

arginine, lysine and ornithine . After incubation

, the results should show the color change from

yellow-orange to purple,

indicates an alkaline pH (8. 0) in buy strattera connection with >> < <decarboxylation of amino acids. As mentioned earlier, K

pneumonia may esculine hydrolysis, which can be verified

seeding and incubation in the medium of this bacterium >>. << This Wednesday should be blackened,

, and the study by Woods lamp, there must be >> << fluorescence loss (Forbes


2002). This bacteria morphology,

cultural morphology, motility, and

metabolic functions allow it

identification and possible treatment. References: Forbes, BA, Castle, DF,

Weissfeld AS (2002). Bailey and Scotts

diagnostic microbiology (11th ed.). St. Louis, Missouri

: Mosby. Greenwood, D. Slack, RZB, Peutherer, JF (2002). Medical Microbiology: Manual

microbial infections: Pathogeneisis, immunity

laboratory diagnosis and control (16th ed.). Toronto, ON: Churchill Livingstone. .

homeopathic remedies for pneumonia

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